It took a
while but I finally got a board that is close to a final version. Version
Version 2 board was etched and I started
to populate but after about 4 components I realized that there were too many
short comings and it was not work the effort to complete.
Version 3 is
a redesigned board and all components are now smd. New is a lpf on the output of the 8307 to
protect the adc from any rf. I think the
filter may need to be reworked somewhat but that will be later on and after
running some simulations in LT Spice. As
well I installed the additional components in the front end to extend the range
up to the 500mhz level. While I’m not
that interested in frequencies that high, I wanted to see if there was any
improvement in the HF range. From 1mHz
to 30mHz there was a drop of 1dBm and although that’s not much in the scheme of
things, why not try and see if I can make an improvement.
The board
was a little challenging to build as I went with smaller traces. But, the tighter
clearances were the main issue. So as I
installed each component I checked for shorts with an ohm meter. Probably not a
bad idea anyway but adds to the time. The lpf resistors are 603’s and that was
an interesting exercise for installation. They are a little cockeyed but since
they weren’t shorted to ground I was happy and left well enough alone.
Results so
far are ok. The bottom end is not as good as ver 1 and have a couple of things
to check for that. Front end component
that I added, the lpf, or maybe even the 8307 chip. The chip is a smt version from eBay and the
ver 1 board had a dip package type I bought from Digi Key.
Due to the 15uf cap causing a large draw of power, I let the smoke out of the smt regulator. In the meantime I had wired up the TO-92 type until I figured out the problem. The traces are now a little worse for the wear unfortunately. As well the pinout is incorrect on the board but I can get around that by putting the regulator on its back. Correct that in version 4.
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