Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Time for the Tower

Getting a head start on antenna season this year.  Although when I started to dig the hole this morning I was beginning to think I was right into antenna season. Warmed up soon enough, likely due to the physical work I was doing and not the wx.  At least the rain held off.

Hole is pretty much done.  Just a little touch up here and there to help with the lining up the tower.  Next sections go up Friday, hopefully, so I need to get going and finish overhauling the R5. I completed the matching box repairs. The coax connector need replacing and and a couple of solder joints were redone and evicted some spiders as well.

I'll put it together later today and sweep it with the sna. Should prove interesting seeing the results of that test.  For the good I hope.

Once this gets done I can turn my attention to my Windom.  Not so sure that layout will be optimal, but its a start.  The easiest layout will be sort of a horizontal V with the direction aiming somewhat west. Maybe even a little NW. Who knows, a little directivity may assist in my quest to have some HF contacts with members of the Peel Amateur Radio Club. 

73, Peter

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